Imagine that you’re having a conversation with your best friend. You tell them that you’re starting to date someone special to you, that you’re falling in love and explain every detail of what has happened with that person: the good, the bad, what you like, and what you fear. You also mention that you might be a little confused because previously you were perhaps speaking, albeit in a more inconsistent manner, with another person you also like, but you’re not sure where that relationship might be headed. Moreover, you still have feelings for that person, but you see more potential in this new relationship because it feels more intense. Your friend knows that dating two people at the same time and playing with their feelings isn’t right, but assures you they will keep your secret and never let a word slip because they’re your friend and you can trust them. So much so that you even gave them your credit card number and security code to help you make a purchase to surprise your new partner, as you were occupied. After all, that’s what friends are for, right?
A couple of weeks later, you have a serious argument with your friend, the kind that disregards the many years and moments you’ve shared together. You drift apart, and all the secrets you both hold are exposed. Though you know very well the person you are and the values instilled in you morally prohibit using that information to harm the friend who trusted you for so long, there’s a doubt lingering that your once-close friend, now hurt, might use the information they have about you against you, potentially damaging your current relationship. Just that idea steals your present tranquility because it’s beyond your control.
Indeed, a few days later, your current partner confronts you for playing with their feelings, treating them as an option, and for disclosing intimate details about the relationship to supposed friends. And as if that weren’t enough, you start receiving purchase confirmations, costs from various e-commerce, and subscriptions to different platforms.
At that moment, you realize your biggest mistake wasn’t trusting that friend but entrusting such crucial data of your life to them.
Just as it happened in this story, it happens in real life with the management of data given to companies in exchange for services or products. And no! We’re not telling you to distrust them; instead, we’ll teach you how to always live up to your customers’ trust and act as the first character in the previous story.
Many companies, through various tactics and means, collect information from their customers. Some store it traditionally in a notebook or Excel, while others, more modern ones, keep it in different CDP or CRMS digital tools designed for this purpose. So, the first question is: How protected is the information of the people who trust you? Or, do you give importance to protecting this information? The irony here is that many companies don’t even consider this a significant issue, or worse, they’re unaware of its importance. Forgetting that they, too, are customers of other brands and find it annoying to receive untimely calls or unwanted messages that steal their peace of mind. This is where we usually ask a key question: Where did they get my number or my data from? And, as experts in assumptions, we simply say that’s the fine print, that company X, F, or G sells their databases, and we don’t give it much significance. We normalize these actions, which is why digital thefts or scams are so common nowadays.
But what can I do as a company to prevent this phenomenon?
The first step is to raise awareness and emphasize the importance of safeguarding your customers’ data. How? Not by keeping it in a notebook or an Excel file on a computer or USB. Moreover, not even in a document shared in the cloud accessible to anyone. Instead, there are CDP or CRMS tools that provide all the necessary security as per each country’s laws to protect this information and make it easily manageable for you and your team. And if, for any reason, a member of your company with access to this information ends their employment, whether amicably or not, you can revoke their access to the tool and keep your clients’ data away from ill intentions, as happened in the story of the two friends.
What if I have a digital tool where I have all my clients’ data and need to download it because I’m switching to another or simply don’t want to continue with this one?
In this case, the proper procedure is to migrate that information through API integrations that enable you to digitally migrate and store this data. Not in a loose file because we know where that can lead: a copy of the file, a stolen computer or USB, or in unwanted hands that may eventually mishandle it, or worse, trade it or defame the brand for personal interests.
The aim of this article is not to scare anyone; instead, it’s to prevent and create awareness among all brands about the immense responsibility we hold in handling our customers’ data. At Keybe, for instance, this is our primary premise. That’s why we invite you to reach out to our Customer Care team if you have any doubts on this matter. They’ll guide you and show you how at KB, you can safeguard this information. Because one thing we’re certain about is that we’ll never take on the role of that friend who misused the information entrusted to them.
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