
Improve your chat sales tone with these tips

By: Gabriela Jaimes Galindo

Do you lack confidence in how you’re talking to your customers when selling through chat?

Using the right tone in your sales helps create a positive relationship with the customer and increases the likelihood of closing the deal. That’s why we’re sharing these tips:

  • Even in writing, being polite and courteous earns you points.
  • Be professional without being overly rigid; you can maintain a degree of closeness.
  • Make yourself easily understood; your customer can’t interpret gestures, only what they read.
  • Offer assistance before it’s requested.
  • Use emojis to communicate, but don’t overdo it.
Tips for an Effective Chat Sales Tone - Keybe KB:

Emojis can be a useful tool for adding personality and humor to communication. Follow these tips:

  • Avoid emojis that could be considered offensive or inappropriate.
  • Don’t overuse emojis.
  • Use them to complement your message, not replace it.

And what happens when I have multiple salespeople and I want to maintain the tone of my brand?

The traditional option is always there: to train and educate them to meet the requirement. However, in the digital age, Keybe is changing the game.

We’re talking about Smart-O-Meter, which in a nutshell, is the ability of our artificial intelligence to add different levels of intelligence to your company’s chat interactions.

Tips for an Effective Chat Sales Tone - Keybe KB:

Among its features and benefits are:

  • Reducing typing and information retrieval operational time by over 60%
  • Reducing your team’s training time by over 80%
  • 4 levels of intelligence: Essential, KB: Neural, KB: Cortex, and KB: Tesseract
  • But what matters most in this case is that it analyzes the tone of voice of your salespeople and your brand to create a consistent and effective communication style, delivering a uniform brand experience.

Listen to these tips and use our tools to create an effective and pleasant chat sales and customer service tone for anyone.
And if you’re interested in learning more about Smart-O-Meter, you can contact us.

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