
The most important metrics for succeeding in chat sales

By: Gabriela Jaimes Galindo

Are you ready to discover the metrics to evaluate the power of your chat sales? Get ready because we’re about to unravel the secrets behind these key metrics so you can succeed in your chat sales like a true rockstar.

  1. Open conversations: It’s time to tally your interactions! How many conversations are you initiating? This is where you’ll see if your lead generation efforts are paying off. Get ready to break records!
  1. Advisorless conversations: Abandonment alert! If your customers are not interacting with an advisor, something is amiss. Is it the content or the user experience? Discover how to improve so that no one is left in chat limbo.
  1. Unanswered conversations: Your customers have thrown questions and requests into the air, but they haven’t received a response. That can’t be! Make sure to answer all their concerns. No one should be left waiting!
Boost your chat sales with key metrics - Keybe KB:
  1. Conversations in attention: Ongoing conversations require your attention. Can you handle the pressure? Make sure to allocate resources intelligently and maintain efficiency. You can do it!
  1. Conversation status: Waiting, in progress, closed! These are the exciting twists of your conversations. Keep the flow going, make sure none are forgotten, and lead each one to success.
  1. CSTA (Customer Satisfaction Through Agent): Are you ready to win your customers’ hearts? Measure their satisfaction with the help of surveys or ratings and discover how your advisors are receiving applause. Make them shine and provide the best service your customers deserve!

Now you have all the metrics you need to excel in your chat sales. Don’t forget to observe and analyze this information to take your business to the next level.

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