
Stop! Your body needs a break to keep shining in your work

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By: Gabriela Jaimes Galindo

While remote work has provided us with flexibility and convenience, it has also introduced a new challenge to people’s health: sedentary behavior.

Spending hours in front of the computer without moving can have serious consequences for our physical and mental health.

The Numbers Don’t Lie:

The World Health Organization (WHO) estimates that sedentary behavior causes 3.2 million deaths per year. Furthermore, studies reveal that spending more than 6 hours sitting increases the risk of heart disease, diabetes, and certain types of cancer.

Now, in terms of productivity, lack of movement reduces concentration and creativity, negatively impacting our work performance.

Prevent your salespeople from burnout with movement | Keybe

The Solution? Implement Active Breaks in Your Remote Work Routine.

What are active breaks? They are brief interruptions, lasting 5 to 10 minutes, taken during the workday to activate the body and mind.

Why Are They So Important?

  • They combat sedentary behavior and its negative effects.
  • They improve blood circulation and oxygenation of the body.
  • They reduce muscle tension and fatigue, preventing aches and pains.
  • They increase energy, concentration, and creativity, boosting your productivity.
  • They improve mood, combating stress and anxiety.

Active breaks are not just for “athletes”: There are options for all tastes and fitness levels, they don’t require much space or special equipment, and they can be easily adapted to your work pace.

Here’s a complete guide:

1. Mobility Exercises:

Their goal is to activate joints and improve flexibility to reduce muscle stiffness, prevent injuries, and improve posture.

You can practice circular movements for the neck, shoulders, wrists, hips, ankles, legs, and arms. Also, stretches for these areas focusing on joints.

2. Strength Exercises:

They aim to strengthen muscles, improve physical endurance, increase energy, and reduce the risk of injuries.

These are more vigorous and work directly with muscles. You can do squats, push-ups, planks, and they are ideal to accompany with resistance bands.

3. Cardio Exercises:

They aim to increase heart rate, improve blood circulation, and reduce stress. You can climb stairs, do a stationary jog, or jump rope.

4. Breathing Exercises:

Unlike the previous exercises, this one is more focused on relaxing the mind and body, improving concentration, and reducing mental fatigue.

You can search for mindfulness and meditation exercises to start.

5. Eye Breaks:

Your eyes are vital for your work, and you keep using them, so we need to reduce eye fatigue, prevent vision problems, and avoid headaches.

One idea is to practice the 20-20-20 rule: Every 20 minutes, look at an object 20 feet away for 20 seconds.

You can also do palming. Close your eyes and cover them with the palms of your hands for a few minutes.

Prevent your salespeople from burnout with movement | Keybe

Recommendations for Implementing Active Breaks:

  • Plan your day: Schedule these spaces within your routine; it should become a commitment to your well-being.
  • Use alarms or reminders: Besides scheduling, use alarms to remind you not to forget to take advantage of the break.
  • Involve your colleagues: Help promote a healthy work environment where active breaks are a regular practice, even if it’s from a distance.
  • Have fun: Experiment with different types of active breaks and find the ones you enjoy the most.

And remember, we know your work is a priority, but if you’re not healthy, you can’t perform your tasks effectively.

We invite you to enjoy our active breaks playlist. We have over 60 videos explained in detail – choose your favorites!

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