
We'll tell you about 6 updates of the month in 4 MINUTeS

so you can plan the year-end with your company...

It's time
to integrate with


KB: Flows is the ultimate tool for automating repetitive processes. Connect Ecommerce, CRM, Chats, ERPs, and more in an intuitive interface now available for your business.

To get the most out of it, we have a promotion until October 15th with 5% more Actions for the same price 🚀


👨‍💻 KB: FLOWS Promo

You now have everything to boost the performance of your sales team!



How smart do you want your chats to be?

Keybe's new Smart-O-Meter is nothing more and nothing less than a booster
with a high dose of Generative Artificial Intelligence for your chats, available and
implementable for everyone.

Choose one of the three levels available in the Smart-O-Meter and experience
benefits such as:

Select the level of your Smart-O-Meter in settings / Smart-O-Meter / Level.
And keep an eye on the following release details 👀:

We will be offering a demo for those customers who want to use this service for a fixed period,
so if you're interested, don't hesitate to ask us.


Welcome to the Re-Evolution of chat sales!


Categorize your business chats according to your needs. That's right, this month INBOXES is coming. The option to create inboxes in Smart Chat to group conversations by categories and team members responsible. This will allow you to have your favorite conversations, sorted by status or convenience, always at your fingertips.

<!--Conoce todo lo que tiene que ver con esta nueva funcionalidad aquí

--> *You will be able to find this option very soon in Configuration / Inboxes.


Do you have a business as a client, and this business has different sales points or branches with independent communication channels or separate lines? This update is for you!

You no longer have to create different companies in Keybe for this type of client (BusinessX 1, BusinessX 2, BusinessX Medium, BusinessX Miami) because now you can add one or more branches as sub-companies under the same business account.

So, if your B2B client has a presence in different locations, cities, or countries, organize and categorize the information of your contacts within the same company.

If you want to implement the Branches option for your business or need more information, get in touch with our team. 😌


Se acerca Halloween y con él, inician las temporadas de picos en ventas alusivas al fin de año como Black Friday en noviembre y Navidad en diciembre. Queremos compartir consejos, artículos y promociones durante la segunda quincena del mes para que te prepares y le saques el máximo provecho.

Un adelanto: del 15 de octubre al 15 de noviembre, obtendrás un 20% más de contactos en Mensajes Masivos vía SMS por un precio de COP $4 /mensaje. Es decir, si envías una campaña de 100 SMS, te salen a $4 / mensaje y puedes mandarle a 20 personas más sin inversión adicional.

*Está promo solo aplica para Colombia en los paquetes de mensajes comprados en este link:

That's right, we have a fresh, faster, and more intuitive look that will allow you to schedule and send bulk messages via WhatsApp, SMS, and EMAIL, quickly selecting or uploading Segments with a better experience in previewing and selecting templates.

Now, surprising your customers with your brand's updates will also be a great experience for you!




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