Conecta RD Station con Keybe

RD Station


Connect RD Station with Keybe

Automate your processes and save time with our integration between Keybe and RD Station Marketing. Contacts are automatically synchronized, opportunities are created in both platforms, and data remains up to date at all times. Forget about manual data entry and focus on what really matters: closing sales.

Note: We only support RD Station Marketing. There is another product called RD Station CRM, which we do not support.

Contact Synchronization from RD Station to Keybe

The integration allows customers who make purchases or register in RD Station to be automatically synchronized with Keybe, creating or updating contacts in real time.

Contact Synchronization from Keybe to RD Station

The integration allows contacts created in Keybe to be added to RD Station.

Bidirectional Opportunity Creation

Opportunities generated in Keybe automatically create sales opportunities in RD Station, and vice versa.

NOTE: There is no opportunity update connection. If an opportunity is updated in one platform, it will not sync to the other.

Integrated with the most commonly used workflows to save time and resources.

Keybe KB: Novedades

Keybe's news for December are here! 🚀
